As more and more people arrive in the UK, they find themselves grappling with various “Younglife crises,” uncertain about their future path. Should they stay in the UK or return to Hong Kong? Since everyone faces unique “youth crises,” let’s support each other at KongTEENue Ocamp and overcome these challenges together 👊🏻💥!
⚠️KongTEENue Ocamp 2024: Younglife Crisis
Date: 28/8-30/8
Location: Central London
Age: 18-28 years old
Capacity: 30 participants
Fee: Original price £89, Early Bird Offer £79 (Early bird offer valid until May 31)
越嚟越多人嚟到英國後迷惘,各自都有唔同嘅「青年危機」,唔知點去思索未來嘅路。到底留係英國定番香港?既然大家都共同有著唔同「青年危機」,就等我哋一齊係KongTEENue Ocamp度互相支持,一齊打破危機👊🏻💥!
⚠️KongTEENue Ocamp 2024:青年危機
地點:Central London
Leeds Umbrella CIC is honored to invite Shirley and Holden to this week’s online seminar. Both are Hong Kongers who operate restaurants in Leeds, to share their entrepreneurial experience with us. Besides discussing food culture, of course, we‘ll also talk about the ins and outs of opening a restaurant together.
Webinar details:
Date and Time: 12th April (Friday) 20:30 - 22:00
Platform: Microsoft Teams
Guests: Shirley, Holden
日期及時間:12/4(星期五)20:30 - 22:00
平台:Microsoft Teams
嘉賓:Shirley, Holde
HongKongers + Ukrainians 🇺🇦 Cultural Exchange lunch🍽️🍲
Hong Kongers and Ukrainians who left their home country and emigrated to the UK must have similar experience and many stories to share with each other💛
At this cultural exchange lunch organised by Harbour HK Project, you can meet Ukrainians and other new immigrants to the UK and taste traditional Ukrainian dishes together, including winter stews and cakes! We also prepared a workshopfor decorating traditional Ukrainian Pysanky Easter Eggs!🐰🥚
We invite you to join us for lunch with complimentary entry, including tea, coffee and a selection of authentic Ukrainian Easter activities!
Date: 23/3 (Saturday)
Time: 14:00 - 16:00
Location: 92 Degree Coffee Shop, LS2 8EU
香港人+烏克蘭人 🇺🇦文化交流午餐🍽️🍲
今次同Harbour HK Project合辦嘅文化交流午餐,大家可以認識到烏克蘭人及其他新移民英國嘅朋友,一齊品嚐傳統烏克蘭菜式!我哋仲準備咗烏克蘭傳統彩繪復活節彩蛋工作坊,有得玩有得食!🐰🥚
地點:米杜士堡 TS1 2DU
Leeds Umbrella CIC and Bonham Tree Aid are hosting a coffee gathering for Hongkongers in Leeds. This is an opportunity for you to meet fellow Hongkongers while also showing support to those in Hong Kong. Participants will receive a complimentary cup of coffee! Join us this Saturday for a meaningful weekend!
Date: 23/3 (Saturday)
Time: 14:00 - 16:00
Location: 92 Degree Coffee Shop, LS2 8EU
日期:23/3 (星期六)
時間:14:00 - 16:00
地點:92 Degree 咖啡店, LS2 8EU
Leeds Umbrellas Food Truck is hitting the road again! This Saturday and March 30th, we’ll be at Kirkgate Market to promote Hong Kong‘s unique street food culture!
In addition to delicious food, we’ve also prepared display boards introducing the history of Hong Kong-style street food, and there will be Cantonese mini-game! Don’t forget to invite your local friends to come along and learn more about Hong Kong‘s history and culture!
Dates: 16 and 30 March (Saturdays)
Time: 10:00 AM to 3:30 PM
Location: Kirkgate Market LS2 7HY
列斯雨傘美食車又出動喇!今個星期六同3月30號會再同大家喺Kirkgate Market見面,推廣香港獨有嘅街頭小食文化!
地點:Kirkgate Market LS2 7HY
What is the difference between starting a restaurant and setting up a factory? What are the requirements for equipment and setup? How do you navigate the licensing process? If you’re curious about these questions, don’t miss this opportunity to explore the details of starting a food factory in the UK!
Details of the Webinar:
Date and time: 7/3 (Thursday) 20:30 - 21:30
Platform: Microsoft Teams
Guest: Josephine - Homeplace Kitchen
日期及時間:7/3(星期四)20:30 - 21:30
平台:Microsoft Teams
嘉賓:Josephine 家香移英-Homeplace Kitchen
Leeds Umbrella CIC is fortunate to have invited two owners who respectively run a coffee shop and a sandwich shop in Leeds to share their experiences of managing small businesses. These two owners will discuss everything from scouting locations to the intricacies of product offerings. This online seminar will be conducted in a relaxed discussion format, welcoming everyone to easily listen to the owners’ experience sharing. Space for this seminar is very limited and will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis! Don’t miss out if you want to make your mark in the UK!
Details of the Webinar:
Webinar 6: Sharing from Cafe/ Sandwich Shop owners
Date and time: 29/2 (Thursday) 19:30 - 21:00
Platform: Microsoft Teams
Guest: May, Chester
列斯雨傘「Leeds」計劃有幸邀請到兩位分別喺Leeds經營咖啡店同埋三文治店嘅老闆,為大家分享經營小店嘅經驗。兩位老闆將會同大家傾下由睇舖去到出品每關嘅細節。今次網上講座會以輕鬆嘅座談會模式進行,歡迎大家可以輕鬆聽到店主嘅經驗分享。 今次嘅講座非常難得,名額有限,先到先得!想喺英國大展身手嘅你唔好錯過啦!
日期及時間:29/2(星期四)19:30 - 21:00
平台:Microsoft Teams
嘉賓:May, Chester
Leeds Umbrella CIC has invited two professionals to help break down UK food labeling regulations. In addition to providing an overview of food-related regulations, the content includes providing customers with nutritional information and details on food allergens. Food labeling is often overlooked, so we hope you don‘t miss our webinar!
日期: 24/2 (星期六)
時間: 11:00 - 12:30
講座平台: Microsoft Teams
Starting on 16/2/2023, we will be offering the final round of five informal English-speaking lessons conducted by native local teacher, specially designed to focus on practical work-related speaking skills in the food business. 🍽🎓✨
The classes will cover a range of topics related to working in the food/catering industry, including:
Food vocabulary and expressions
Vocabulary for cooking
Service English
Business English
由2月16日開始,我們將提供5節非正式的英語口語課程,由英文母語教師授課,專門針對餐飲行業中與工作相關的實用口語技能。 🍽🎓✨
Leeds Umbrella CIC will hold a Lunar New Year market for the 2024 Lunar New Year.
Details for the Leeds Lunar New Year Market:
Date: 2/3/2024 (Saturday) (One-day event)
Time: 8:30am to 5:30pm
Location: Kirkgate Market (Event Space & Flexi Space 1), Kirkgate, Leeds LS2 7HY
列斯雨傘將於2024年農曆新年前夕,舉辦香港人年宵市場,地點將會係有稱「歐洲最大有頂市場」嘅Leeds Kirkgate Market!佢仲要同倫敦西敏宮一樣,係屬於一級登錄建築,意思即係受保護建築類別,如果冇政府嘅特別許可,係唔可以拆毀、擴建或者改造㗎!
日期:3/2/2024 (星期六)
時間:8:30am 至 5:30pm
地點:Kirkgate Market, Leeds LS2 7HY
🎓📜 Level 2 Food Safety Certificate for catering🍴☑️
After completing the English lesson, participants will have job experience opportunities to apply their knowledge. As a prerequisite, it is required to obtain the Level 2 Food Safety Certificate for catering.
Our training program will fully fund the cost of this certificate. Upon completing the online course, participants will receive an electronic certificate, which is useful for job hunting and starting your own business.
Don't miss the opportunity for job experience and a free certificate.
喺安排工作體驗前,大家需要先獲得餐飲業食品安全二級證書(Level 2 food safety certificate in catering) 。
Leeds Umbrella CIC and Investing in People and Culture (IPC) are co-organising a festive intercultural event for recent migrants and refugees to the UK and members of the local community, with housing professionals and community support workers present.
The event will include dinner buffet, live music, and arts from community members, as well as an opportunity for informal English language practise. Come join us to meet new friends from different countries, just like Hongkongers, who have also left their homelands to settle in the UK, experiencing similar new challenges and difficulties.
Date: 16th December (Saturday)
Time: 4:30PM - 7:30PM
Location: IPC, International Centre, 7 Abingdon Road, Middlesbrough, TS1 2DP
列斯雨傘與慈善組織Investing in People and Culture (IPC) 合辦的國際移英朋友節慶歡聚,邀請由不同國家剛移民英國的朋友、難民及本地英國人,聚首一堂享受自助晚餐,現場音樂及藝術,一起在異地歡度佳節。屆時還有社區支援主任、物業專家等到場,為你解答生活上的問題。誠意邀請大家出席,認識新朋友,又可練習英語,大人小朋友都歡迎!
時間:下午16:30-19:30 (17:00供應晚餐)
地點:IPC, International Centre, 7 Abingdon Road, Middlesbrough, TS1 2DP
Are we all excited counting down to Christmas? With snow falling and Christmas lights on across the country, Leeds Umbrella CIC is hosting a Christmas party for everyone to revel in the festivities. Whether you're joining us solo or with your entire family and friends, all are warmly welcomed!
At the Christmas party, you can expect Hong Kong's classic festive games🎪, a Christmas hat design competition🏅, a massive lucky draw🎁, and delicious Christmas food🍕🍖🧁. Additionally, there will be plenty of Christmas gifts for you to take home. Don't miss out! Come and join us now! Spaces are limited, so please register early!☃️
唔經唔覺又一年啦,列斯雨傘為咗同大家歡渡英國最重要嘅節日,特別準備咗一個盛大嘅聖誕聯歡會。無論你係初嚟英國報到想認識新朋友仔,定係一家大細想俾小朋友放下電,甚至係想帶埋隔離鄰舍一齊聚一聚,都歡迎大家報名,一齊過一個Merry Christmas💛
我哋嘅聖誕聯歡會內容豐富,有港式經典遊戲節目🎪、聖誕帽設計大賽🏅、終極大抽獎🎁同埋聖誕大食會🍕🍖🧁。係咪好興奮同好期待呢🥰 我哋亦都準備咗好多禮物,等大家可以滿載而歸,過一個溫馨愉快嘅聖誕節☃️🎄!唔好猶豫啦,名額有限,立即報名啦!
🏠 Property Management and Financial Planning Webinar📊
In co-operation with Hongkongers in Britain and Leeds Umbrella CIC:
🔑 Victoria Atkinson, Accountant & Director at JS White & Co, Leeds
🔑Gary Tsui, Deputy Manager (Leicester) at QCL Solicitors
🔑 Dominic Husband, Architect and Partner at Enjoy Design, Leeds
Date: 18th November Saturday
Time: 2.30-4pm (30 minutes Q&A session)
Language: English and Cantonese
Platform: Microsoft Teams
Quota: 50
Clink the link below to register now!
時間:11月18日 下午14:30至16:00 (設半小時問答環節)
平台:Microsoft Teams
名額: 50名
Starting on 11/11/2023, we will be offering the third round of five informal English-speaking lessons conducted by native local teacher, specially designed to focus on practical work-related speaking skills in the food business. 🍽🎓✨
The classes will cover a range of topics related to working in the food/catering industry, including:
Food vocabulary and expressions
Vocabulary for cooking
Service English
Business English
由11月11日開始,我們將提供5節非正式的英語口語課程,由英文母語教師授課,專門針對餐飲行業中與工作相關的實用口語技能。 🍽🎓✨
Guy Fawkes Night, also known as Bonfire Night, is an important celebration in the UK. This festival originated from the Gunpowder Plot of 1605 when a group of English Catholic extremists planned to assassinate the Protestant King. However, the plot was eventually foiled. On November 5th, Guy Fawkes was arrested for guarding a large amount of explosives placed in the basement of the House of Lords. Subsequently, Parliament allowed the public to celebrate the King's survival with bonfires, provided there was "no danger or disorder." This gradually evolved into the modern Bonfire Night.
Date: 5 November (Sunday)
Time: 21:00 - 23:00
Venue: To be communicated after registration
Fee: Free of charge
Bonfire Night,亦即係Guy Fawkes Night,係英國其中一個重要嘅慶祝節日。呢一個節慶起源於1605年嘅火藥陰謀,當時一班英格蘭天主教極端分子計劃暗殺信奉新教嘅國王,但最終陰謀敗露。11月5日,Guy Fawkes因為看守放置喺上議院地下室嘅大量炸藥而被捕。隨後,議會允許公眾用篝火慶祝國王生還,前提係「沒有任何危險或混亂」,因此逐漸演變成依家嘅Bonfire Night。
日期:11月5日 (星期日)
時間:21:00 - 23:00
地點: 報名後通知
Introducing... 'House Renting 101', the second webinar in the Harbour HK Project's housing series, set for 4th November 2023, from 2.30-4pm.
由列斯雨傘及英國港僑協會聯辦,將於下星期六下午2:30舉行,無論你是租客、業主或物業投資者,都萬勿錯過!我們很榮幸邀請到全英最大地產企業之一,北星集團主管Peter Locke,及資深英國業主Lorna Kessell博士,為大家分享英國租樓秘笈!
時間:11月4日 下午14:30至16:00 (設半小時問答環節)
平台:Microsoft Teams
名額: 50名
☁️🍽️ Seminar 3: Cloud Kitchen, what is it?
Have you ever heard of "Cloud Kitchen"? What is it? How does it operate? Can you, without any experience, start one?
Don't miss our third webinar "Cloud Kitchen, What Is It?" on 28th October. Kristen, a Hongkonger working at a Cloud Kitchen specialist company in the UK, will explain in detail.
💷💱Seminar 4: Accounting in Food Business
After our recent webinars, are you thinking of opening your own restaurant? However, it is crucial to keep an eye on the numbers! We have invited Thomas, a Chartered Accountant, to go through the financial arrangements and planning of running a restaurant.
☁️🍽️ 講座三:共享廚房知多啲
美女廚房大家都可能聽過,但係大家有冇聽過共享廚房 “Cloud Kitchen”?究竟乜嘢係共享廚房?廚房點樣共享?普通人可唔可以開?共享廚房係點營運?
如果你對以上嘅問題感興趣嘅話,就千祈唔好錯過 10月28日嘅第三場講座「共享廚房知多啲」,我哋請到喺英國共享廚房公司工作嘅香港人Kristen 同大家詳細解釋!
上一次聽咗Winston 嘅開餐廳講座之後,大家係咪已經躍躍欲試想快啲開舖呢?但係運作一間餐廳除咗廚師手勢好之外,睇住盤數都好緊要!我哋邀請到英國註冊會計師Thomas 同大家講解餐廳嘅財務安排,幫助大家實現鴻圖大計!
In co-operation with Leeds Umbrella CIC and HKB: The first in a series of webinars and events to help Hongkongers to navigate common housing and property issues in the UK and to increase ‘housing literacy’.
Date and Time: 21st October (Saturday), 2.30-4pm
*Includes Q&A with insights from property investors, landlords, agents, welfare advisors, and housing experts.
Language: Cantonese and English
Platform: Microsoft Teams
The Harbour HK Project英國物業網上講座系列🏠🇬🇧
日期:10月21日 星期六
時間:下午14:30至16:00 (設半小時問答環節)
平台:Microsoft Teams
Starting on 23/9/2023, we will be offering the second round of five informal English-speaking lessons conducted by native local teacher, specially designed to focus on practical work-related speaking skills in the food business. 🍽🎓✨
The classes will cover a range of topics related to working in the food/catering industry, including:
Food vocabulary and expressions
Vocabulary for cooking
Service English
Business English
由9月23日開始,我們將提供5節非正式的英語口語課程,由英文母語教師授課,專門針對餐飲行業中與工作相關的實用口語技能。 🍽🎓✨
During the Mid-Autumn Festival, Leeds Umbrella CIC invites you to play with lanterns, eat mooncakes and enjoy the moonlight together. Activities include:
• The Lantern + Origami Workshop
• Mid-Autumn Storytelling Session
• Game Booths
• Solving Lantern Riddles
Date: 29 September (Friday)
Time: 17:00 - 21:00
Venue: All Hallows Church, Leeds 24 Regent Terrace LS6 1NP
Free of charge
喺人月兩團圓嘅中秋節,列斯雨傘誠邀大家相聚,一齊玩燈籠、食月餅同賞月💛 活動包括:
日期:9月29日 (星期五)
地點:All Hallows Church, Leeds 24 Regent Terrace LS6 1NP
For someone like you who has just arrived in the UK, are you thinking of starting a small food business like in Hong Kong, setting up an Instagram shop or participating in markets to earn some extra income? Or perhaps, are you someone who dreams of opening a café or a restaurant? If so, these webinars are perfect for you!
Leeds Umbrella CIC has invited two experienced speakers to share their expertise in two webinars. They will explain the licenses and procedures required for selling homemade food in the UK and what you need to consider from location selection to license application when opening a restaurant.
初嚟英國報到嘅你,想好似喺香港咁整小食擺IG shop擺市集賺賺外快?定係難得離開寸金尺土嘅地方,想一展拳腳圓餐廳夢?咁今次嘅網上講座就啱曬你啦!
Leeds Umbrella CIC is thrilled to announce an exciting event just for you! Join us on a joyful journey to the Yorkshire Sculpture Park, a mesmerising haven of art nestled within the picturesque landscapes of Yorkshire. 🌳🎨
📆Date: 27/8/2023
⌚ Time: 11:00am -3:00pm
📍 Location: Yorkshire Sculpture Park
🎫 Ticket: £9 (Parking fee included)
🐶Pets are welcomed!
列斯雨傘誠邀各位加入我哋嘅約克郡雕塑公園之旅,欣賞由全球知名藝術家精心制作、令人嘆為觀止嘅雕塑作品!✨ 園內有大約80件雕塑,每件作品都講述獨一無二嘅故事,等待大家去發掘,你亦可以發揮想像力,去解構每件雕塑背後想傳達嘅意念。🗿💭
📍地點:Yorkshire Sculpture Park 約克郡雕塑公園
Starting on 5/8/2023, we will be offering the first round of five informal English-speaking lessons conducted by native local teacher, specially designed to focus on practical work-related speaking skills in the food business. 🍽🎓✨
The classes will cover a range of topics related to working in the food/catering industry, including:
Food vocabulary and expressions
Vocabulary for cooking
Service English
Business English
由8月5日開始,我們將提供5節非正式的英語口語課程,由英文母語教師授課,專門針對餐飲行業中與工作相關的實用口語技能。 🍽🎓✨
This is a fantastic opportunity for our younger members to develop a sense of responsibility towards the environment, but EVERYONE is more than welcome to join and make a difference.
We've got 15 sets of kids' litter picking kits (complete with gloves) ready to go courtesy of Hunslet Litter Picks and Library! So parents, don't worry about the equipment - we've got it covered! Please note, kits are on a first-come, first-serve basis.
我哋有 15 套由 Hunslet Litter Picks and Library提供嘅兒童垃圾撿拾工具包(配有手套),所以家長們唔需要擔心裝備問題,我哋已經準備好晒㗎啦! 請注意,工具包係先到先得,所以當日記得準時集合!
Brimham Rocks is a group of limestone rocks in North Yorkshire, England. It is a popular tourist destination which have been shaped by wind and water over millions of years.
Date: Sunday, July 16th
Time: 11am
Venue: National Trust car park at Brimham Rocks
Birmham Rocks 係約克郡河谷國家公園嘅著名景點,呢個地方有好多形形式式獨特形狀嘅岩石比大家觀賞!歡迎大家報名我地嘅辦Birmham Rocks 一日遊,時間同地點如下:
日期: 7月16日 (星期日)
時間: 11am
地點: National Trust car park at Brimham Rocks
我地屆時將會National Trust car park集合,沿小徑環繞奇石步行,中途亦會有多個休息點供大家拍照和休息。
We will be meeting at the Hunslet Litter Picks & Library at 12:00 noon and will be picking up trash for around 1 hour.
• Time: 12:00 am to 1:00 pm
• Venue: 35 Belinda St, Hunslet, Leeds LS10 2PX
All are welcome to participate, regardless of age or experience. We will provide all of the necessary supplies, including gloves and trash bags.
列斯雨傘義工隊嚟緊18/6(Sun)12:00nn 喺Hunslet將會繼續有執垃圾活動,歡迎各位大朋友小朋友一齊參加,到時將會有工具提供,大家唔怕整污糟~活動嘅詳情如下:
• 時間:12:00-13:00
• 集合地點:35 Belinda St, Hunslet, Leeds LS10 2PX
Leeds Umbrella CIC cordially invites you to explore the UNESCO World Heritage Site, Saltaire. On this journey, take a step back in time and immerse yourself in the beautiful riverside scenery that transports you to the steam age. Along the way, meet local university student volunteers and hear their stories while discovering the rich culture and historical background of the area. Practicing your English skills while making new friends will surely enrich your experience. Join us for an unforgettable journey that will deepen your understanding of this wonderful city.
列斯雨傘誠邀大家與我們一同探索聯合國教科文組織世界遺產-SALTAIRE。我們將從Kirkstall Forge 火車站或 Apperley Bridge 火車站出發,沿運河緩緩步行。這裡有著獨特的河畔景致,宛如時間倒流,讓您彷彿身處於蒸汽機時代。一路上,您不但可以欣賞美麗的風景,還可以認識當地的大學生義工,聆聽他們的故事,了解當地文化和歷史背景。在旅程中您可以與新朋友交流、鍛鍊英文能力。這場旅程將會是一次令您難以忘懷經歷,也能讓您更深刻地了解這個城市。
Leeds Umbrella Volunteers Events Preview (April-May)
1. 30/4 Hunslet litter picking
Time: 12:00 am to 2:00 pm
Venue: 35 Belinda St, Hunslet, Leeds LS10 2PX
2. 13/5 “Our Clean River” litter picking @ waterway from Crown Point Bridge to Thwaite Mills
Meeting point: Canal Connections by the street art murals at Leeds Dock
列斯雨傘義工隊 4/5月活動預告:
1. 30/4 Hunslet litter picking
時間: 12:00 am to 2:00 pm
地點: 35 Belinda St, Hunslet, Leeds LS10 2PX
2. 13/5 “Our Clean River” litter picking @ waterway from Crown Point Bridge to Thwaite Mills
集合地點:Canal Connections by the street art murals at Leeds Dock
We have arranged our first event for our volunteer team! Leeds Umbrella and Hunslet Community Litter Pick and Library jointly organised a community cleanup, which is also part of the "Leeds Goes Purple" annual clean-up campaign. If you are interested, volunteers of all ages are welcomed. At the same time, you can also communicate with Hunslet residents and other local volunteers. Sign Up Now!
列斯雨傘聯同Hunslet Community Litter Pick and Library 合辦一次社區清潔,呢次活動亦係列斯 ”Leeds Goes Purple” 清潔運動嘅其中一項活動,只要你有興趣,男女老幼無任歡迎。列斯雨傘嘅工作人員已經親身試過幾次,都覺得執垃圾係會執到上癮!! 到時更可同Hunslet 當地居民及其他本地義工溝通,機會難逢,快啲報名啦!
The “Cantonese Workshop” will be held on 11/03 and 18/03 at Kirkgate Market in Leeds City Centre. You will learn basic Cantonese phrases so that you will be able to communicate (probably 😃) with your Hong Kong friends. All participants will receive a beautiful souvenir as a token of our appreciation for your support. Everyone is welcome so please come along with your neighbours, colleagues, and friends to enjoy the weekend by learning a new language! See you all there!
我哋會喺11/03 同18/03 連續兩個星期六,於市中心 Kirkgate Market 搞一個廣東話工作坊,主要對象會係唔識用廣東話嘅本地朋友,希望透過工作坊令佢哋掌握到簡單嘅廣東話溝通方法。歡迎咁多位列斯香港人帶埋你嘅本地鄰居,同事朋友一齊嚟到Kirkgate Market 參與。所有參加者完成工作坊之後都可以獲得精美紀念品,有得玩,有得吹水,仲有禮物攞!大家都帶埋你哋嘅朋友嚟Market 見啦!